Friday, October 21, 2005

Jonas's Escape Plan

Question: Do you think that Jonas's escape is intended to help Jonas, the community, or both? Explain your thinking (based on the text).

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Jonas escape is intended to help both himself and the community,because as Jonas learns new knowledge from the memories he receives he finds that he does,nt really fit in with the other members of the community .

He could see things that they can,t and knows more than them about life b/c of his color eye and he knows more about his feelings because he experienced through the memories.

He and the giver both wanted to help the community to see the difference between right and wrong,and what life is really about,freedom,color,animals,feelings,weather and so-on.So they planned with him leaving and to see what else is out there and to give the memories back to the community.


4:14 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

i agree with both of them because everyday he has to go through the same thing always holding in the memories and everytime he sees his friends thinking like nothings happened and when he rties to give them a clue, they're like what? so he wants to benefit them and he runs way because he can't take much pain anymore..

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jonas's escape plan is intended to help the community and not himself. Becuse he would still be alive he would still have acess to the memories but by leaving he gives everyone else acess. He wants them to know about all the incredible experinces that they are missing out on. I do not belive that his escape is meant for himself only because if it was he would just leave instead of making a planwith the Giver. He is doing what is best for the community. He realized in a few days something that took the Giver years to realize: that sameness is no good. But there is something else, now that there is a Giver and a Reciver they can help the communtiy deal with the memories they will recieve. It may be hard on Jonas but he is not the kind of person who would do something only for himself. Throughout the book he has shown that he cares more about his friends more than anything. He would have even told Asher about the memory if Jonas thought that he would belive him.


1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think jonas escape is to help himself. He is in a community where feelings, colors, and love doesn't exists. Something he was able to experience because of the giver.

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

last comment was by me by the way Christine K.

2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Christine, his escape is to help himself. His strongest desire at this point in his life is to experience everything he's seen in the memories. Color, pain, joy, love and the freedom to do what he pleases seems to be what Jonas thinks he needs in his life right now, so thats why he decides to make this plan of escpae.

Alyssa Cumberbatch

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think jonas has finally come to the conclusion that this "community" isn't really as cracked up as it claims to be. He realized that with all he learned he cant stand to live in a place based on rules and lies. so therefore i believe that jonas is trying to protect himself, because all hope is lost for the community.

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jonas escape is intended to help himself and to help his community. His community needs to understand what real life is and stop living in the so called perfect world that they live in. They need to understand that taking away memories from the community is not making anything better, and by killing people,and controling peoples lives,they fall right back into the trap of beingg unperfect.
Jonas can no longer live in this community while knowing all the things he knows so thats he has to leave. Yes some things in is community are better of ;everyone in emplyed, ther is no starvattion' yet all these people loose their sense of identity.

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

last comment was domonique's

2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a question. Why didnt the Giver do this before instead of waitingfor 10 years for another reciever to come and go throught his experience

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Jonas' escape is intended to help both him and his community. For both Jonas and the Giver, the saddest part about having this Assignment was not being able to share all of these feelings and memories with others. By leaving his community, Jonas is not only allowing everyone else to experience all the pain that they made a Receiver to handle, but also all the happiness and joy that they are missing out on. I think that instead of placing all of the past memories on one person, the happy memories would be happier and the painful memories wouldn't be as bad, because you have someone right there with you who’s experiencing the same thing you are. Answering Domonique's question, I think the Giver waited 10 years, because he didn't receive the idea until Jonas gave it to him and even if he did get the idea before Jonas came along, he knew there was no way he could do it because if he left, there would be no one to help the community get through all of the memories he would have left behind.
-Kiara E.

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Jonas's escape is intended to help Jonas and the community, because Jonas had learned more about the knowledge. He learned about the colors,animals,feeling,family,etc. As he got more knowledge,he had more choices of right and wrong things. But when he tried to fit in nobody understands him. He tried to learn more and more. But when he found out the privacy and other things in the community, he learned that the community was doing the wrong things. Jonas had to leave the community and never wanted to return.


5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that Jonas's escape is intended to help the community because the community will see that having all that knowledge to yourself is too hard to handle. And that maybe the community will change, and memories will be shared throughout the entire community.
- Valerie V.

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jonas' escape was meant to help his community, himself and baby Gabriel. the only way for the community to recieve all the emotions Jonas and the Giver felt,was for Jonas to leave. jonas wanted his community not only to reep the benefits of feeling such great emotions such as love, but he also wanted his people to have all the freedoms of a normal society. he wants the members of his community to be able to think and choose for themselves. Jonas was selfish however, he couldn't stand to stay in a society in which he couldn't express his emotions or have people reciprocate his love to them. Jonas felt frustrated and trapped in a community he new in his heart to be corrupt. Knowing he could not be released his only option was espcape.

Gabriel was the reason jonas escaped when he did. Jonas changed his escape plans and left at a very vonerable moment to save Gabe. When he found out they were going to kill gabe, the baby he had grown to love and share his secrets with, he knew he had to stop it. For whatever reason Jonas escaped i think he was very brave for doing so. he risked his life and ventured into unknown lands to save his people, Gabriel and Himself.

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also believe that Jonas escaped for both himself and the community. He was living in a world with nothing to live for. A person with memories couldn't last long, especially when they have no one to talk to, and the physical pain of being the bearer of memories. It's a hard, lonely life and a wonder that the society worked that long when all that was needed was a simple escape/death to show everyone what they've been missing. For better or for worse.

And the society should have to experiance memories as well. They should not be so selfish to condemn one child into what they know, but cannot clearly understand, is extreme pain, and expect that one child to bear it all his/her life only to pass the memories on to the next Reciever. Whenever and whoever that would be. And at whatever cost unless it would cause the memories to seep back into the people.

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to me jonas' escape helps both jonas and his communtiy because its no use in staying in the community if he cant share his memories with others by him leaving the commmunity can get the memories back of what life is like and get feeling of emotiol, physical plain, etc.

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that Jonas plans on helping both,himself and the community.

6:13 AM  

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